The project result in English, Swedish and Italian languages:
IT: IT_BOOKLET_SILENT_Italian version.pdf
We were committed to helping parents/educators raise kids that were not only "not racist," but who were actively "anti-racist." The following objectives were linked to the priorities mentioned:
We cultivate mutual respect and fundamental values, promoting social inclusion and equality.
We supported parents in teaching children how to communicate with each other and understand each other's perspectives. We encouraged them to explore the different cultural heritages and values of people living in Europe together in the 21st century.
We aim to overcome prejudices and combat culturally-based bullying.
We focused on cultivating the cultural literacy of children, emphasizing the importance of discussing race with them from an early age. We understood cultural literacy as a culture created through our practices and expressions.
To achieve these goals, we chose wordless narratives as a means of communication. We found that wordless narratives were easily applicable to different language users, creating a dialogic space of possibility in their interpretations. In the absence of words, readers were encouraged to enhance this dialogic space. Additionally, we believed that books provided entertainment and boosted imagination, adding joyful elements to every child's life. Wordless picture books facilitated intimate dialogues between children and their parents. They gave children the opportunity to engage in "genuine dialogue" as they co-constructed narratives and related themes to their own lives, values, and identities.
The collaboration between ENHI from Sweden and STEPS from Italy was summarized in the video provided.
Read more here: SILENT project.pdf